Arcane mage pvp spec 3.3.5

Arcane mage pvp spec 3.3.5
Resto Shaman PvP Talent Build/Spec (WotLK.
Frost Mage PVP Talent Build (WotLK.
Boom ! Level 80 Arcane Mage pvp in.

Restoration Shaman’s Talent build for arena. For playing battlegrounds you might want some modifications to this spec.
Hey urm Zorthos Here, fairly new to uploading tbh

Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator. World of Warcraft (WoW) Anonymous undead mage level 80 in Warsong Gulch. Edit: Anonymous no more, the name of the mage was Syzygy on Stormscale EU. Gear
The most popular Frost Mage’s Talent Spec in 3.3.5 for arena There could be some other variations, but all important core talents are taken here.
Mage Leveling Specs for WoW 5.0.5 listed in the following order: Frost, Fire, Arcane. Mage Leveling Spec – Frost Specialization. Frost mage is the most common
Resto Shaman PvP Talent Build/Spec (WotLK.